[ Types of Investigations ] [ Methodology ] [ International Investigations ] [ Overview Services ]

Different Types of Investigations in many countries & regions
Investigations performed by AR INTELL come in many forms and shapes. We operate in different target markets and geographical locations across South-East Asia, Middle-East, Europe, North America (USA), Canada, Africa, China, Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, South America, Latin America & Middle America.
In our investigations, we use digital forensics, OSINT, SOCMINT, TSCM, and data analytics. We can expand certain investigations via online methods to any location in the world. Many times our on-the-ground investigations are augmented with online capabilities.
We distinguish investigations based on the methodology
Fair testing (using scientific methods and proven concepts)
- find relationships between factors & variables
- applied in technology investigations
- done in the field & on the ground
- time/location-based observations & measurements
- monitoring changes in patterns of the subjects or events
- observe the whole situation over time, not just random measurements
Identification and Classification
- sort findings on subjects/objects/events into groups or categories
- based on specific criteria
- used for classification purpose
- part of new or existing classification systems
Modeling of potential scenarios
- based on findings in the field
- use of field studies
- models and simulations (reconstruction or re-enactment of events)
- deductive process
- document the process (how did this happen)
- use of models and logical diagrams
- a detailed document on sequences and processes
Pattern seeking
- observation & recording of events
- observation of subject behavior over time
- identify patterns linked to specific variables
- discover causality behind a pattern
- classify and identify the system, the causes, the resulting factors behind a pattern
- creation of models to better understand & interpret certain observations
Deep research
- gather and analyze data on specific events, objects, or subjects
- planning required asking the right questions
- focus and zoom into relevant topics
- find and use proper sources & witnesses
- analysis and organization of data leads to conclusive findings
- reporting in a specific hands-on format
- communication of results

International Investigations across the globe
Our investigative teams consisting of specialized private investigators/detectives can also be deployed to specific cities in many countries and other geographical regions such as South-East Asia, Middle-East, Europe, North America (USA), Canada, Africa, China, Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, South America, Latin America. We can do investigative work in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, South Africa, the Middle East, United Arab Emirates – Dubai, United Kingdom, Europe, Switzerland, and North America / USA, Canada.
AR INTELL conducts Private Investigations and renders specific services in the following fields:
Catch Cheating Spouse
Cheating Decoy Investigations
Child Abuse or Molestation
Child Support Modification
Cohabitation Investigation
Cold Case Investigations
Corporate Espionage
Corporate Fraud Investigations
Corporate Intelligence
Corporate Slander Investigation
Criminal Background Check and Deep Search
Criminal Investigations
Cyber Defense / Cyber Defence
Cyber Espionage Investigations
Child Custody and Visitation Investigations
Child Exploitation and Obscenity (Pornography)
Child Support Enforcement and Collection
Competitive Business Intelligence
Computer Forensics Investigation
Counterfeiting Crime Investigations
Covert Surveillance
Covert Ops
Cyber Security Investigations
Cyber Crime Investigations
Cyber Warfare
Computer Forensics
Dependency Investigations
Discrimination Claims Investigations
Divorce Investigations
Document Examination and Assessment
Domestic Investigations
Drug Testing
Due Diligence Investigation
Digital Forensics
Elder Abuse Investigations
Electronic Discovery Services
Email Tracking
SMS & Messaging Tracing
Embezzlement Investigation
Employee Malingering Investigation
Employee Theft Investigation
Employment Misconduct Investigation
Eavesdropping Detection
Detection of Bugs and Taps – TSCM
Expert Witness Testimony
Executive Screening
Financial Fraud Investigations
Fraud Claims
Internet Defamation and Slander Investigations
IT Services (general)
Juror Vetting (Jury Selection)
Kidnapping Investigation
Ransom Situations
Labor Dispute Monitoring
Land Ownership Investigation
Land Title Investigation (Strata Titles)
Malpractice Investigation
Maritime or Boating Investigations
Matrimonial Investigations
Medical and Dental Malpractice
Mind Control or Brainwashing Investigations
Mergers and Acquisitions Investigations
Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures
Mobile Forensics
Money Laundering Investigations
Mystery Shopper and Secret Shopper
Narcotics Detection
Online Auction Fraud
Online Defamation Investigation
Online Social Networking Investigation
Organized Crime Control or RICO
Origin and Cause Investigation
Paternity Investigations and Testing
Penetration Testing
Personal Injury Cases
Personal Protection
Polygraph and Lie Detection
Pre-Employment Screening
Private Investigations
Probate Investigation
Process Service (Worldwide)
Professional Malpractice Investigations
Proxy Contest
Public Interest Investigations
Ransomware Risk Analysis
Real Estate Fraud Investigations
Religion or Faith-Based Investigation
Risk Assessment
Runaway and Missing Children
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Securities Investigations
Sects Occult or Cults Investigations
Security Consulting & Advice
Security Risk Management
Security Risk Assessment
Sexual Harassment Claims
Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations
Smart Phone Analysis
Sting Operations
Stock Options Fraud
Strike and Labor Unrest
Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification
Stalking Investigation
Harassment Investigations
Substance Abuse Investigation
Surface or Forensic Drug Detection
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures – TSCM
Tenant Screening (rental property issues)
Traffic and Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Threat Intelligence
Unfaithful or Cheating Partner (Non-Marital, extra-marital affairs)
Unsolved Crime Investigations
Vulnerability Assessment
White-Collar Crime
Wire and Electronic Communications Crime
Witness Location and Interviews
Workplace abuse and other legal issues
Workplace Investigation Interviews
Workplace Violence Investigations
Wrongful and Suspicious Death Investigations
Wrongful Imprisonment Investigations