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29 search results for: financial


Building Security Assessment

[ Building Security ] [ Access Control Systems ] [ Security Program ] [ Mobility of Security Staff ] [ Visitor Management System ] [ Elevators Escalators Security ] [ Internal Access Management ] [ Car Park Security ] [ Evacuation-Fire-Escape-Exits ] [ Building Security Control Systems ] [ Building Security Risks ] [ Types […]


Risk Management & Risk Assessment

[ Quantify your Risks ] [ Careful Risk Planning Mitigation ] [ Types of Risk ] [ Problem Solving ] Quantify your risks Consider our specialized AR INTELL risk identification process. We go all out in order to quantify & qualify the risks in your business or organization, or individual situation. Most importantly we aim […]


Arson or Fire Loss Investigation

[ What is Arson? ] [ Types of Arson ] [ Arson Motivation ] [ Arson Targets ] [ Arson Investigation ] What is Arson? A crime like arson is done for profit or financial gain. With this in mind, it is a criminal method of stealing money from the fire insurance company. Hence we will do […]


Insurance Fraud Investigations

[ Illegitimate Insurance Claims ] [ Insurance Fraud ] [ Types of Insurance Claims ] [ Insurance Claim Investigation ] [ Evidence Gathering ] [ Red Flags ] [ Insurance Fraud Report ] Illegitimate insurance claims Illegitimate insurance claims cost billions yearly. Some still think that insurance fraud is a victimless crime. It is clear […]


Criminal Background Check

[ Reasons ] [ Elements ] [ Types ] Reasons for a Criminal Background Check In many cases, a criminal background check is needed. In companies, we use this method to verify if a potential employee is reliable, and honest. How do you know if somebody might become a threat to others or even your […]


Dark Web – Deep Web Investigation

[ Dark Web ] [ Surface Web ] [ Deep Web ] [ Illegal & Criminal activities ] [ Importance ] [ Investigation ] What is the Dark Web? The dark web is simply a part of the  World Wide Web. The dark web uses networks called darknets. You need different software and setups to access the […]


Cyber Defense

[ What is Cyber Defense ] [ Cyber Defense Assessment ] [ Effects of Cyber Attacks ] [ Recommendations ] What is Cyber Defense? Cyber Defense refers to the ability to prevent cyber attacks. This activity is sometimes related to Cyber Warfare, Cyber Espionage, National Security issues, Critical Infrastructure Attacks, Cyber Offence/Offense Operations (hacking back), […]


APT Groups – Advanced Persistent Threats

What are APT groups? APT – Advanced Persistent Threat groups are essentially covert or hidden hacker organizations that perform, “attacks on a country’s information assets, critical infrastructure or other elements of national security or strategic economic importance. Standard methods used to come down to cyber espionage, cyber warfare or cyber sabotage.” These groups are elusive, […]